Monday, March 10, 2014

Slimming with smoothies (Super easy)

Today we're gonna make a peach smoothie.


√ 2 cups of peaches / 2 tazas de duraznos
√ Almond butter / Mantequilla de almendra
√ Tofu 
√ Ground turmeric / Cúrcuma molida
√ Almond milk / Leche de almendras 
√ Ice / Hielo

How to do it?

Blend 2cups of peaches. 1/2 tbsp of almond butter, 85 grs of tofu, a pinch of ground turmeric, 1cup of almond milk (unsweetened) and 1cup of ice. After blending all the ingredientes put in on a glass and you already have a delicious breakfast or an afternoon drink. Enjoy

 ♡ ♥ 

Licúa 2tz. de durazno. 1/2 cda de mantequilla de almendra. 85 grs. de tofu, una pizca de cúrcuma molida, 1tz de leche de almendra sin azúcar y 1tz. de hielo. Luego de licuar todo y ponlo en un vaso y ya tienes un delicioso desayuno o una bebida para la tarde.

Hope you liked this post and if you want me to do more post about smoothies just let me know because I have many smoothies to try on! Just leave it in the comments if you've ever drank a smoothie, they're delicious.


Espero que les haya gustado este post, si quieren que postee mas smoothies déjenmelo saber, ya que tengo varios smoothies para probarlos! Déjame en los comentarios si has bebido algún smoothie, son deliciosos.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the tip! I love everything with peachies! ^^
    You look beautiful cutie! : )

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